The FPC Clean Air Act: the machine that started it all in 2005. Today, this version still forms the basis of every system – and for good reason. A continuously variable controlled fan extracts the air and then filters out odour carriers and grease particles. And at such a level that you can ensure thorough cleaning of baking vapours with this machine alone.

  • 68% less emission of odours and VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
  • One machine for both extraction and cleaning of baking fumes
  • Irritating fumes are eliminated, the workplace remains much cleaner
  • The residue becomes a biodegradable product – a sustainable solution

The FPC Clean Air Act cleans the baking vapours released during processes including:

  • Deep fryers
  • Contact ovens
  • Convection ovens
  • Grill ovens
  • Smoke chambers

Combined with the FPC Clean Air Cyclone and FPC Clean Air Optimisers, the FPC Clean Air Act
meets the standards for your industry,
such as:

  • DIN EN 13725 / 15259
  • BImSchG
  • BAFU
  • NER
  • IFDM

Curious about the possibilities?